19 de janeiro de 2012
Even if you give up, God believes in you! ( Mesmo que você desista, Deus continua acreditando em você)
And he said: My grace is sufficient for you, because my power made perfect in weakness . glorify me in my weaknesses, so that in me the power of Christ may dwell.
In today's article I want to bring a message from God for your life, even when you fall and get hurt and when you think it is hopeless, God keep believing in you and says: My son, I believe in you.
Living believe it is one of the most difficult issues that need to learn! The more we learn and gain experience unless we know life, unexpected always happens in people's lives even more vivid. When you do not expect something that can hardly be prepared! It is exactly what I want to talk to you at this moment, there are moments in our lives that we think is the end! Who has never been caught by surprise and "hands tied" did nothing, except ask for death for being caught in a depression.
The pain of loss is something irreparable, the discovery of a disease, the end of a relationship, betrayal, lack of material resources, panic or depression are the only companies that moment. We need friends, family abandons us, the sun darkens the motivation is gone.
The first thing I want to tell you right now is that there is someone who has never left you, and always by his side, are you not able to see this he is consoling you. The pain is difficult because it tests our faith, loneliness is a terrible crushing hope, depression kills trust. If you're feeling like God has a word for you right now: I am the God of the impossible, For with God nothing is impossible.
Dear, You may not realize that God is acting more in your life just because you're alive is because he will be guarding and preserving his life. God is not evil as to be oblivious to his suffering, he is proving his faith and this holding is not to intervene in their suffering.God loves you so much that he will never give you a greater suffering than you can bear, yet he would be giving you the exhaust to handle. If you understand rejoice this moment because it is still not the end! It is only the beginning of a beautiful story, God has the power to get you out of this suffering, but it did not get where he has for your life, hang on tight! God has something beautiful to you, crying only lasts for one night, morning walks away crying and joy will be your companion .
In time of grief hero can not go back! You are a chosen of God! Go ahead, do not think that it is his end. God has not given up on you. Starting today, begin to thank God for his life, He chose you to reveal your glory. You may not understand this but you're targeting the grace of God, your life will be an example to many of what God can do in the life of a man or woman who persevere and surrender completely to Him
If you stop and think about quitting even of life, keep this phrase in your heart
- God does not give up on you, on the contrary he is in the stands shouting his name, not to go ahead, you'll get.
The Lord's mercy is new every morning this means that every day God is renewing his love for you, do not listen to what the hell is talking about you, when you hear someone say that there's no way for your life or reached its end, hear God whispering in his ear: Do not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage, fear not, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with you wherever you go.
Son I know your suffering is succumbing to their faith more remains true because while you're persevering I'm renewing your strength.
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Diego Ribeiro
Arquivo do Blog
- Quando a chama por missões aquece
- ICPB story of victory and a commitment to God, ICP...
- ICPB 75 anos pregando Cristo ao mundo
- Ministrando na ICPB Santa Cruz do Capibaribe - PE,...
- Even if you give up, God believes in you! ( Mesmo ...
- Mesmo se você desistir, Deus acredita em você!
- Namoro Cristão – Ciúmes
- O Deus que surpreende - Ministrada na ICPB Água Fria
- Qual a sua opinião em relação ao BBB? Os cristãos ...
- Ouvindo a Voz de Deus
- Namoro Cristão - Namoro a três
- Quando Deus se cala - Ele chama pelo seu nome.
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